2021-2022幼稚園通告(Notice for K1-K3)

56.有關夏季旅行出席備忘/Attendance notes about Summer Travel activities——71

55.有關學生口腔健康檢查事宜/ “Jockey Club Children Oral Health Project”——70

54.有關各班家長觀課安排事宜/The arrangement of the all class growth gratitude meeting——69

53.有關家長會安排事宜/ “Parent Meeting “——67

52.有關各班成長感恩會安排事宜/The arrangement of the ALL class growth gratitude meeting——66

51.有關香港特別行政區成立紀念日假期安排事宜/ The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day Holiday——65

50.有關生日會及端午節假期安排事宜/The Public holiday and Birthday party——59

49.有關幼兒及低班實體課安排事宜/ K1&K2Class Resumption Arrangements——57

48.有關更換夏季校服事宜/ The change of summer school uniform——55

47.有關全日班膳食費事宜/ The meal fee arrangement for whole-day class——54

46.有關拍攝高班畢業相事宜/ Photo Services of graduation photos of K3 students——53

45.有關高班實體課安排事宜/K3 Class Resumption Arrangements——52

44.有關全日班下午留校照顧事宜/Regarding the care of whole-day classes in the afternoon——50

43.有關專注力講座/ “Student concentration talk——48

42.有關各班復活節假後網課、領取功課及繳交功課安排事宜/ The arrangements for online classes and homework collection for All class after the Easter holiday——47

41.有關復活節假期及復課安排事宜/Easter Holidays and Class Resumption Arrangements——46

40.學生接種第二劑疫苗安排事宜/ Arrangements for Student 2nd Vaccination——45

39.學生接種疫苗安排事宜/ Arrangements for Student Vaccination——44

38.有關學生接種疫苗同意書安排事宜/ Arrangements for Student Vaccination Consent Form——43

37.有關安排學生接種2019冠狀病毒病疫苗事宜/Aranging students to be vaccinated against COVID-19——42

36.有關功課領取安排事宜Homework collection arrangements——41

35.有關學費安排事宜/The tuition fee arrangement——40

34.有關學費及膳食費安排事宜/The tuition fee arrangement for class N in February and March 2022——39

33.有關「疫苗氣泡」的事宜/The government’s “vaccine bubble” arrangement——38

32.有關各班ZOOM課安排事宜/ Arrangement of ZOOM class of all class——36

31.有關下學期手冊、圖書歸還及農曆新年假期安排事宜/ 2nd semester handbook, book return and Lunar New Year holiday arrangements——35

30.有關停止面授課程安排事宜/ Cessation of face-to-face course arrangements——34

29.有關取消親子戶外活動事宜/Cancellation of parent-child outdoor activities——32

28.有關學校假期安排事宜/The school holiday——30

27.有關親子烹飪比賽事宜/Parent-child cooking competitions——28

26.有關聖誕卡設計比賽事宜/“Christmas Card Design Competition”——27

25.有關「2021/2022第二劑季節性流感疫苗接種事宜」安排事宜/The 2021/2022 seasonal influenza vaccination school outreach plan——26

24.有關10至11月份生日會安排事宜/Regarding birthday parties from October to November—25

23.有關親子戶外活動事宜/“Parent-child outdoor activities”——23

22.有關天氣驟冷幼兒穿著便服回校事宜/Children returning to school in casual clothes in cold weather——21

21. 有關40周年親子立體蛋糕設計比賽評審事宜/Judging matters for the 40th anniversary parent-child three-dimensional cake design competition——19

20. 有關更換冬季校服事宜/Regarding the replacement of winter school uniforms——18

19. 有關「2021/2022第一劑季節性流感疫苗」安排事宜 / The 2021/2022 seasonal influenza vaccination school outreach plan ——17

18. 四十週年校慶活動「童心童樂」攤位遊戲暨課程簡介日 / 40th Anniversary School Celebration Activity “Children’s Heart Children’s Fun” Booth Game and Course Introduction Day ——16

17.有關個別面談家長會安排事宜 /Parent-teacher Conferences ——14

16. 有關邀請家長協助整理學校圖書 / About inviting parents to help organize school books ——13

15. 有關邀請家長參與「故事爸媽」 / Story Parents——12

14. 有關成立家長義工團隊/ About setting up a parent volunteer team ——11

13. 有關公眾假期及教師發展日安排事宜/ The Public holiday and Teacher Development Day——09

12. 有關公眾假期及8至9月份生日會安排事宜 / Regarding public holidays and birthday parties from August to September ——08

11. 個人私隱聲明通告 / Personal Privacy Statement Circulars——07

10. 有關 2021/2022 季節性流感疫苗接種學校外展計劃事宜 / The 2021/2022 seasonal influenza vaccination school outreach plan ——06

9. 有關本校現正招收 2022 年 9 月入學新生事宜 / Regarding our school is now enrolling new students in September 2022 ——05

8. 有關 EVI 兒童教育資訊網/EVI children’s education website ——04

7. 有關幼小班收取學費安排/Matters about tuition fees of Nursery School ——03

6. 有關親子中秋晚會事宜 / Parent-child Mid-Autumn Festival party ——01

5. 有關40周年親子立體蛋糕設計比賽事宜 / 40th Anniversary Parent-child three-dimensional cake design competition——有關40週年立體蛋糕設計比賽

4. 有關2021/2022季節性流感疫苗接種學校外展計劃事宜 / The 2021/2022 seasonal influenza vaccination school outreach plan (K1-K3)——有關疫苗注射

3. 有關本校現正招收2022年9月入學新生事宜 / Regarding our school is now enrolling new students in September 2022 (K1-K3)——有關本校現正招收2022年9月入學新生事宜

2. 有關EVI 兒童教育資訊網 / EVI children’s education website (K1-K3)——有關EVI兒童教育資訊網

1. 9月1 日(星期三)新學年開學禮 / School Opening Ceremony hold on Wednesday, 1st Sept., 2021 (K2-K3)-—–開學禮事宜School Opening Ceremony